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Corns are a common foot problem that can cause discomfort and pain. They are small, hardened areas of skin that develop as a result of excessive pressure or friction. Typically, corns form on the top or sides of the toes, as well as on the soles of the feet. They can be unsightly and make walking or wearing tight-fitting shoes uncomfortable.

There are different types of corns, including hard corns and soft corns. Hard corns are small, dense areas of thickened skin with a central core, while soft corns are rubbery and usually develop between the toes. Both types are caused by repetitive pressure or friction on the skin, often from ill-fitting shoes or abnormal foot mechanics. It is important to address the underlying cause of corns to prevent their recurrence.

Treating corns involves relieving the pressure or friction that caused their formation. One simple method is to wear properly fitting shoes that provide enough room for the toes and do not rub against the skin. Padding the affected area with moleskin or cushioning products can also provide relief. For persistent corns, a podiatrist may recommend using over-the-counter corn pads or applying salicylic acid to help soften and remove the buildup of dead skin. In some cases, professional corn removal may be necessary.


1. Are corns contagious?

No, corns are not contagious. They are a result of pressure or friction on the skin and are not caused by a bacterial or viral infection.

2. Can I treat corns at home?

Mild cases of corns can often be treated at home by following proper foot care practices and using over-the-counter treatments. However, it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for persistent or severe corns.

3. How can I prevent corns from developing?

To prevent corns, it is important to wear well-fitting shoes that provide enough room for your toes. Avoid wearing tight or narrow shoes that can squeeze or rub against your feet. Additionally, keeping your feet clean and moisturized can help maintain healthy skin and reduce the risk of corn formation.

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